and Israel. Israel has been a great leader on the ground in Syria and has been able to keep out of the light of day but has been wonderful in taking injured individuals into Israel to be treated so they can get back into the fight.
So in my opinion, as Fox and MSNBC would state, we have a quagmire in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere because it seams from the facts, that the US, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia and neighbors are arming the terrorists and supporting the wars to destroy two more nations, the nations of Yemen and Syria. I find this interesting that all these wars in the middle east, beginning since 2001 September 11th as the conspiracy theorists have stated; Israel and Saudi Arabia as well as the military industrial complex seem to be the big winners here. You would think that the massive amount of information available to everyone which goes against the media in the US, would throw up red flags to some of the protesting organizations. So this begins to connect the dots to why George Soros is funding all of the dividing groups in the US and other places and our former President, Mr. Barry Sotoro carefully walked a tight rope around his legacy by keeping the eye’s off the middle east for the most part which at the moment should be the focus of every eye in the world as war seams imminant. This potential war and those that we are supporting started this war 17 years ago and now coming full circle are the benefits or the repercussions! If the LGBT community, BLM, Liberal students around the country including our favorite growing Fascist group at Berkley, would all focus on what is happening around the world and whom and how we are dividing this country, the world and lastly, WHO IS FUNDING THIS ANY WHY? WHY? NO GAY PERSON CAN STEP INTO THE THOUSANDS OF MOSQUES. NO WOMEN CAN WEAR SHORTS IN SAUDI ARABIA OR SHE CAN LEGALLY BE RAPED. WE HAVE COLLEGE KIDS THAT ARE NOT STANDING UP FOR ENDING WAR OR OUR OWN GOVERNMENTS FASCIST IDEALS WE ARE DEMANDING BATHROOMS FOR THOSE WHOM HAVE MORE THAN ONE IDENTITY.
FYI, if the left and those that are in the middle believe so much in the science being the guiding factor and nail in the coffin if the warming debate, then why will the left refuse to accept the science about human beings and their sexuality. Who and Why would individuals with large sums of money, choose these debates and why now? It is not that they should not take place but if we believe in science, 0 have backed the claims of choice or the need to change sex in the mind means you now are able to change sexuality. So, with that said, how does this mix up with the wars and everything going on financially and potentially a nuclear war. Because the Left Hand of the Globalist leadership know that the passion of the women movement and the LGBT demands will easily keep the eye’s of everyone fixated on a debate that has no place at this time in history of being the primary discussion topic. Yes these topics need discussed but right now we are looking at humanity being killed at an alarming rate should these wars escalate and crimes are being committed and the US and it’s allies are supporting leaders that would kill LGBT people and Rape those women wearing a puss as an outfit during a march. We are in trouble because my friends, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Indian from Mars all are Americans and are not colored and millions of us are trying to keep our country from becoming obsolete but, the end of our constitution as we know it will be in great part because of the growing youth movement for SELF!! We have watched a full 20 years of our youth being raised learning from television that those older American people are no longer needed in society and we will not listen to them, we don’t want to listen to them and we honestly do not need them around. This education system is allowing what a Soviet defector warned us about throughout the 1980’s that it was coming and it would take 1 generation to destroy the beautiful country of the United States and he stated this generation was already being born. We ignored him and here we are!
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