Saturday, March 4, 2017

Red Cross says 7 Iraqi civilians treated for exposure to chemical weapons

The US government, US media continue to ignore the fact that the Chemical weapons used in Syria and Iraq are carried out by ISIS and it’s partners some having been supported by Obama, Clinton and John Kerry with John McCain having been photographed meeting with a known terrorist and our media is still fixated on destroying Trump instead of focusing on the reality of the wars around the world funded by the US or Saudi Arabia, Israel and NATO.  Come on media, focus on the war against humanity instead of the breaking up of the US and division of Social issues in the US.  Millions displaced, more than a Million killed and people like Madeline Albright, Clinton all laugh and are quoted as saying the death of 500,000 women and children in Iraq alone was worth it.  Why?  What is the true agenda being ignored?  What long range goal does the destruction of the middle east hold?  Who benefits?

Global Voices: The World is Talking, Are You Listening?

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