Monday, February 27, 2017

This will Change Everything We Know... (2017-2018 EVENTS)

It is but a moment in time when a mind and body open self identity to a belief that is not real or factual yet to demand to become something we want to become and force others to accept my wants and desires as fact which will result in a true war against reality.

Defectors coming from the Soviet Union in the 1980’s warned that it would take one generation to break down the United States and create a never ending change in the foundation of not only the country, but who it is to be an American.  We are now more than a decade into what has become the results of this war against humanity against reality and the results will be nothing short of the end of America.  The beginning of the altering of reality so that individuals that are self proclaimed God’s can fulfill their own desires.  George Soros and the true globalist movement had to take down a foundation by using the same education system that once produced the most educated society known to man with a social order once built behind the walls at home and now forced publicly against will of parents, religious beliefs and reality!   What has been produced over the past 20 years is the true belief that an old society that believes in a man and women with the family being the bedrock of every community is being replaced by the state allowing individuals to decide if we are male or female and that losing is offensive and belittling we are now to accept everyone is the equal not in being allowed to participate but those that are more intelligent, better looking, stronger and better athletes are a threat to others.   IT’s not about how hard your work or that your able to over come through your perseverance,  in our future world (which is here overnight) everyone must think and believe as these progressives believe or they need to be chastised and removed from our coming society.

Fascism has been creeping into our lives and presidential orders have been put into place step by step waiting for the move against a system that gave freedoms to all that wished as well as dreams to all that wished but this will be replaced with you must believe and dream as we believe or you no longer belong. The weather undergrounds well funded movement in the 1970’s believed they would have to re-educate 60% of the entire country in camps in the southwestern United States and those that could not be re-educated would be killed.  This group has had the ear of our President for 8 years not including the decades before that.  These men and women were allowed to continue their lives and became professors in college and political advisers so what I want to know is how do people that think this way avoid prison, avoid scrutiny when they are known to have direct tie’s with upper echlons in Government?

Over the past 3 years, President Putin has become extremely vocal including round table discussions with even American reporters but these discussions are not carried on our MSM channels.  It does not matter if it is CNN or FOX, when all of our media outlets and news agency’s are owned by less than 10 principal partners, we only see and hear what they want us to hear.  Why has their never been a Monopoly break up of the media?  Why?  Because these same global players that sit in meetings about the direction of our global economy also control what is reported, what is investigated and how countries and leaders are portrayed.   The speeches given by Vlad., Putin not only are direct but point out the true internationalist and globalist intentions which are being pushed onto the one country once seen as a beacon of hope for all but now is working to destroy the culture, belief system and true heart of America in order to forge a new reality.

Global Voices: The World is Talking, Are You Listening?

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